Employee Monitoring Software, Employee Productivity, Manage Remote Employees, Remote Employee Monitoring, Remote employee monitoring software, Remote Monitoring

How To Choose The Best Remote Employee Tracking Software?

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Remote work culture is becoming popular day by day and many companies are adapting it happily looking at the need of the situation (COVID-10 Outbreak). However there are other plenty of explanations for switching to remote working.

Nonetheless, it does come with its difficulties and complexity of managing all the operations and routine activities that telecommuters do. But one way to solve this common problem is to implement a remote employee tracking software, which allows you to control the computer activities of remote workers and lets you keep a track of their working hours.

But the fact cannot also be ignored that there are huge options to choose from-from free versions of monitoring software to more advanced paid solutions, from the most simple ones to the most advanced.

Going through the review of all these employee tracking tools and selecting the right one is quite daunting. But do not worry, here in this article you will get some tips on what you should pay particular attention to if you want your choice to perfectly go with your needs of monitoring your remote staff.

Establish business goals and objectives

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Start with setting your business priorities and objectives before selecting tools for tracking your employees. It will help you to pick employee management software that suits the company goals and helps you to achieve them.

Make a list

Make a list of the features and functionalities that you think would be beneficial to your company before you go with any employee tracking software. This step is very important, especially if you don’t want to load your machine with unnecessary and invasive software that slows it down and leads to productivity loss.

Learn the difference between paid vs free

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There is no doubt that most of the companies aim for having the most out of the best price. But it’s better to invest in the tools that you like too. In other words, while free versions of computer usage monitoring software are your cheapest choice, they do not have all the functionality, support, and reliability that a remote workforce tracking process needs.

So list down all the things you would like to have, do your homework, and then prioritize them. Narrow down your list to top 10 monitoring software as per your business requirement, and pick the one you think provides the best value for money.

System integration and compatibility

Remember, the software you select will be installed in your employees systems. So, you need to consider its compatibility factor with other operating systems, especially if your remote workers are using their own systems. Then you have no control over the operating system they operate on or how much memory they have. Therefore, it is better to get the program that will operate on as many different systems as possible.

The installation process is another thing you should consider while making your choice. Implementing the app on the devices of your remote staff has to be simple. It should be so easy that the remote employees click a button and download remote employee tracking software without even needing to come into the office. It should be convenient to the ones who are working all the way from different states or a country.


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Features are probably the most important thing to take into account while looking for the best employee tracking software for successful remote teams. Keeping in mind that it is the remote team for which you will be using monitoring tools, you need to, first and foremost look for the attendance tracking functionality.

Apart from that,  a time tracking feature to track the working hours of telecommuters, and also the consistent reports and timesheets on that. You should look for features of online applications and websites, which is not hard to find because most tracking tools provide these.

Talking about the more advanced features that you might find when choosing the top monitoring tools for your business. You need to be clear in your mind whether you really need them or not.

Your aim should be to understand what you can and cannot do while monitoring your remote employees.

Some systems can have stealth mode which is generally not required because you have to warn remote workers anyway about monitoring. Automatic screenshots can just be another such feature. Also, you just shouldn’t be using that on workers who work from home because they may be using their devices for private matters during working hours.

Keep in mind, don’t pay extra for the features you don’t need.

Well, if you want to explore EmpMonitor(Employee Monitoring Software) Dashboard & Its Features, then you can watch this video



The process of selecting the best employee tracking software is different for each company, but you can consider these tips for sure while choosing one. It all comes down to the measures you want to monitor your remote employees for improving their performance and how to do so in a way that is fair and respectful in regards to their privacy.


Employee Monitoring Software, Manage Remote Employees, Remote Employee Monitoring, Remote employee monitoring software

05 Reasons Why You Can Never Skip Work From Home Productivity Monitoring Tools

Work From Home Productivity Monitoring Tools 1

It’s not too long ago when work from home did sound a bit fancy to us. However, the myths were busted as soon as we started working from our homes as well. COVID-19 initiated a revolution in the work cultures all around the world, and everyone is now mixing up their personal and professional life. 

It is quite evident that WFH is not as much of a luxury as we thought of it. All of us are actually forgetting the border that lies between our work and household chores- resulting in long hours of monotonous work. As a result, we all started burning out pretty quickly and resorted to taking more breaks. 

One thing led to another, and we finally became a bunch of people pretending to work more than we actually do! However, it is NOT the case of those organizations which used the best work from home productivity monitoring tools. Such corporations have had almost zero losses in their employees’ productivity. 

How? There are various answers to this question. Let us get into some of the most recognizable points: 

1. Fair Assessment 

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We all get this. Assessing your employees’ tasks becomes more easygoing and accurate when you get a sneak peek of their activities every now and then. This way, you actually come to know who is serious with their tasks and who is working just for the sake of staying active in their 9 to 5 routine, while parallelly binge-watching Netflix. 

When you have a record of the exact duties that your employees perform throughout the day, you get a more precise idea of the ones who stay more dedicated. This way, you can assess the employees who need more training in handling particular tasks, and reward the ones taking their work seriously. 

2. Data Security 

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One of the biggest concerns regarding telecommuting is the lack of security that comes along. A majority of the employees prefer not to intervene with the company’s data, but some of them definitely do it without looking up for the consequences. Also, a lot of employees work via public WiFi, which is usually not secure. 

Many employees also share their devices with their families without securing their official data. All of this invites the chances of potential online and offline danger. But you can make sure that your company’s information stays safe in their devices by just looking at their systems whenever you find something suspicious. 

3. Maximum Productivity

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When you are aware of surveillance, you tend to work with more dedication and authority. And so is the case of every other employee when there is surveillance on the premises. Employee monitoring is a good measure of assessing your co-workers and letting them improve themselves for something better. 

This way, the employees become more productive throughout the passing days of telecommuting, which is quite the opposite of what happens in general. Also, more productivity means more revenue, which is very crucial in this quarantine period (in that context, in any period). 

4. Accountability 

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Having user activities recorded with you means having an account of all the movements of all the employees while working on their official devices. This way, you can hold anyone responsible for anything that they do on the premises, along with proofs. 

This way, no one can lie about their activities or pretend to work more than what they actually do. Accountability in tasks is very crucial, especially when people are not working right in front of your eyes. Using work from home productivity monitoring tools is, thus, inevitable is any remote workforce. 

5. Discipline and Vigilance 

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Any workplace operates more smoothly when everyone abides by the rules. In short, you need to maintain the decorum to ensure that everyone stays as productive at their homes as they do in the office. And how do you do so without having any camera installed in their homes, as there will be privacy issues? 

The only way to do so is by tracking their screens directly! And employee monitoring becomes the only way to ensure discipline in the premises. Various tools in the market let you do so, for instance, Teramind, EmpMonitor, ActivTrak, Hubstaff, etc. that come with the features that are doomed necessary for a proper vigilance, without tampering with the privacy. 

Well, if you want To Manage Remote Work Easily With Powerful Monitoring Software: EmpMonitor(EmpMonitor AV Ad) 

Then you can have a look at this video.



Working from home is neither very similar nor very different from office work. But it definitely requires one to have more patience and dedication as the WFH environment is pretty much distractive. Keeping productivity high is a real bummer, and you can overcome it in no time by employing various tools to keep a check on them! 

Manage Remote Employees, Remote Monitoring

5 Things You Didn’t Know About Remote Monitoring

_ 5 Things You Didn’t Know About Remote Monitoring

Are you aware of the fact that the minimum amount of time off businesses undergo is nearly 87 hours? Additionally, it is calculated that the loss ranges about $84,000 for every hour of time off.

Is your organization ready to lose this huge amount of revenue if they will be an issue with the network? Remote Monitoring helps your network team to stay ahead of the breaches or incidents from wherever they arise. Here are 5 special things you don’t know about investing in it. 

  • Security Enhancement 

In today’s ever-changing needs, cybersecurity is said as one of the top priority things for any business. It is completely imperative that businesses must take the necessary steps to safeguard confidential data and avoid it from ending up in unreliable hands. 

Security breaches can cause great damage to both your hard-earned reputation and financial stability. It can also lead to increased downtime which is also very costly as stated about. 

When the employees’ systems are monitored whole around the clock, the threats can be easily identified, detected, and rectified without dragging it long. Those events that can be remedied without human intervention can get resolved automatically, while those that need human input will be handled either via SMS, email, or telephone by the appropriate mode of communication. It helps keep the company’s data safe and provides great data security.

  • Improve productivity 

Improve productivity (1)

One of the greatest benefits of using the remote control is to improve internal efficiency, not only by minimizing downtime. Thereby enabling workers to perform their job duties efficiently without interruption, and also their operations.

Manual tasks and workflows can be moved from person to computer with automation, thereby freeing talented workers to concentrate their skills elsewhere. Furthermore, because your systems and network will be constantly monitored irrespective of the position of your workers, you will increase the quality of service and ultimately develop your business.

  • Minimize Time Off 

As mentioned, even just a few moments of downtime can be incredibly costly to a business. Not only can it result in a direct loss of revenue, but it can also impact your company indirectly due to loss of customer trust. Internally, downtime affects productivity and morale because it impedes employees’ ability to do their jobs. Inside, downtime impacts efficiency and morale as it impedes the ability of workers to do their work.

As already mentioned, even a few moments of downtime can be extremely expensive for a company. Not only can it result in a direct loss of sales, but it can also have an indirect effect on the business due to loss of consumer confidence. 

  • Simplified Maintenance 

Simplified Maintenance

It’s highly important to keep all the programs, applications, and systems maintained well and also updated with all security and health practices. As, when your system is well-maintained, it will surely show a positive response to your employee’s productivity which leads to an increase in business growth. But keeping up a check on all things can be a little daunting task, especially for the network engineers who are working with limited resources, either in terms of staff or finance. Remote employee monitoring software helps to track the status of all the applications and services which are working on any particular system. 

  • Decrease the ownership cost 

All the IT managers very well know how much it costs for software installation and how much it costs to maintain the software and hardware, and all these expenses increase when the training, hiring staff, it all takes a toll on your company’s bottom line. Thus, the implementation of using remote monitoring can help you manage remote teams most effectively. 

Also watch: Manage Remote Work Easily With Powerful Monitoring Software: EmpMonitor(EmpMonitor AV Ad)


These are some of the best advantages of remote monitoring, which you might not be aware of. Thus, consider these points and get your business to higher standards.