Work from home, Work from home productivity monitoring

05 Creative Ways For Effective Work From Home Productivity Monitoring

05 Creative Ways For Effective Work From Home Productivity Monitoring

In the past, many of the experts have prophesied the possibility of remote work culture in the future. And it seems that now their prediction has become a reality. As technology surges leaps and bounds, people are seeking more luxury while doing their work. And you can see that nowadays people are looking for jobs that let them work from home. You might feel wondered to know that companies are also preferring remote workers. Since hiring remote workers, companies can avoid extra expenditure for the maintenance of the physical workplace. It also means that with remote working, both employees and employers can get benefited.

Although there are also quite some challenges to business when employees are working remotely. As employers could not be able to keep an eye on their staffers, it would be difficult for them to keep the productivity intact in their business. In such a case, you need to employ ‘work from home productivity monitoring solutions’ to track the productivity in your company.

Moreover, here, I have shown five ways of ensuring productivity in your business when your employees are working from home.

1. Make Sure To Have Clear Expectations:

When allowing employees to work remotely, management needs to make sure to have clear expectations. Though you want to encourage your employees to give a bit more effort into their work. But sometimes putting more pressure on the team won’t benefit you. And may also result in negatively affecting the productivity of the business. While it is essential for employers to give achievable targets to their staffers. It would not only help you to enhance productivity in your business, but your employees would also feel motivated and can work more diligently.

2. Maintain Transparency:

If business owners want to have work transparency in their business, they need to make sure to have an open communication network in their firm. With telecommuting, it has become easier for the organization to manage the work-related conversation. In that case, employers can also make use of work from home productivity monitoring tools like Empmonitor. By utilizing the real-time monitoring feature of this software, employers can remotely track the work details. That way, you can also ensure work transparency in your business.

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3. Monitor Employee Computer Activities:

As we know that work transparency is essential for achieving fruitful results in business. Being isolated from the real office, sometimes employees may lose track of their work. It’s also possible that they might be facing some difficulties in their work. In such a case, having good communication can help you to achieve work transparency. But in a certain situation, if you want to avoid productivity loss, then you should consider- work from home productivity monitoring solution. That can help you to learn about the work activities of your employees. You can also guide them to sort out the mistakes that can happen while working in an isolated workplace.

4. Allow Flexible Work Schedule:

By letting your employees work in flexible work hours, you can also motivate them to put some more effort into their work. Especially when your employees are working from their remote workplace, with a nine-to-fiver shift, they might have to bear social and personal responsibilities while working. And it may be inconvenient for them to manage work-life balance when they are working with traditional work schedule restrictions. But if you allow them to be independent with their work hours, your employees would be happily engaged in the work to bring more productivity for the business.

5. Track Productive Work Hours:

Even if you are letting your employees work on a flexible schedule, you should consider tracking their productive hours. By monitoring the work hours of employees, you can learn about the employees who are diligently working. While you can also find out the idles in your organization. It will also help you to maintain accountability in your organization, as you can pay their wages according to their work productivity. By doing so, employees would also feel motivated and engaged in their work to deliver a fair gain for the business.

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By following the above-shown five ways you can ensure productivity in your business when employees are working remotely. While you should implement the best work from home productivity monitoring so that you could be able to gain more favorable results for your business. If you have any queries, you can write it on the comment section given below.

Also watch: How To Check Production Of Employees With EmpMonitor?

Work from home, Work from home productivity monitoring

05 Ways To Keep Employees Productive In Work From Home Scenario

05 Ways To Keep Employees Productive In Work From Home Scenario

Due to the outbreak of Coronavirus across the world, work from home has been implemented everywhere. All the non-essential workers have been asked to stay at home and continue their work. Implementing working from home is easy, but maintaining the same level of productivity as in the office is difficult. 

The reason is that there are many distractions in the home. Plus, leniency comes when there is no one surveying you. To avoid such things from happening in your organization, we have gathered five key software with the help of which you can maintain productivity. 


The challenges are faced by both employers and employees. The challenges faced by employees are that they find it hard to concentrate on their work while working from home as there are lots of distractions, such as other people are living in the house, luxuries like TV, phones, etc. 

However, the challenges faced by employers are different. They are more focused on the productivity of the entire team. This might pose a great problem, as they are limited to the things one can remotely manage. 

Thus to resolve all this, we have gathered five smart tools, which can solve all the problems of both employers and employees. The solutions are as follows – 

  1. Productivity Monitoring Software

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The easiest and robust way to track your employees’ productivity is to deploy a work from home productivity monitoring software, like EmpMonitor. It is very easy to install on the system, and it is completely stealth. EmpMonitor tracks every activity of your employees and helps you improve their productivity. It is not just a monitoring software; it can do a whole lot more, like insider threat detection, user logs, and much more. 

  1. Easy Messaging App

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Maintaining the same level of productivity requires you to stay connected with your employees all the time during work hours, and to do that, you need a good messaging app. Slack is one such software, it is made for the corporate world, and to keep the whole office connected. It has lots of versatility; you can text message, make a voice call, or make a group, etc.

  1. Conducting Meetings

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The next thing that comes after the messaging is conducting meetings. Meetings are important, as it shows the work from home employees, that they are also an important part of the organization. Zoom is perfect for such tasks; it is one of the most used applications for a meeting. It is also available for both windows and mac. The app also has a record feature, with the help of which you can record your meetings and review it later. 

  1. Project Management

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Project management gets really tricky when you are working from home. To ensure that your employees are working actively and aren’t lagging behind in their work, you need to use better remote workplace monitoring and resource allocation tools. One such tool is Basecamp, using it, you can divide the task better and manage their completing period right from its dashboard. 

  1. To-Doist

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This cloud-based application takes the to-do list to another level. You can easily add new tasks and organize them according to your preference. The best part of this software is that it is cloud-based, which means you can take your list anywhere with you by simply logging into your id.


With the help of the above-listed software, you can easily implement work from home, without compromising the overall productivity of your employees. Productivity monitoring software will be the best for such a scenario using it, you can keep the tabs on the overall productivity of your team.